Monday, September 28, 2015

New House Builder | Easy Fixes for Common Lawn Problems

new house builder 
New House Builder | With fall right around the corner, it’s a great time to start thinking about fixing any of the lawn problems that sprouted up during the summer months. The National Association of Landscape Professionals shows that 71 percent of homeowners think their neighbor should have a well-kept yard. Don’t be THAT neighbor!
Get your lawn looking lush and healthy again with these easy fixes for common lawn problems.

1. Crab Grass

Crab grass can be a real nuisance due to its unruly growth habits. While it’s an annual weed, it acts like a perennial, meaning it grows all season long. Some homeowners feel that simply mowing over the weed will remove it, but the most effective way to remove it for good is to pull it out, roots and all. If the crab grass begins to take over your lawn, herbicides may be the only answer for eradicating the weed for good.

2. Dog Urine Damage

Lawn burn can be caused by a high concentration of nitrogen in dog urine. If you begin seeing problem areas in your yard, try changing your dog’s diet to one that does not exceed your pet’s protein requirement, or training it to use areas covered by mulch or rock. Saturating the area with water to help dilute the nitrogen concentration can aid in your lawn’s repair.

3. Bald Spots

A patchy lawn can be a real eyesore. Bald spots on your lawn can be caused by different issues, including pests, grubs and some types of fungus. Before starting any form of lawn treatment plan, it’s best to rule out any possible pests or diseases. Once you determine the cause for the spots, you can begin fixing the issue. If no pests or fungus are to blame, start by seeding and watering the affected areas well. Be careful not to flood the turf, which can kill the seeds and make new growth nearly impossible.

4. High Traffic Areas

The summertime is rough on our lawns. From the kids running around on it to backyard get-togethers, your lawn has dealt with a lot of wear and tear. Getting your lawn back to proper health will take a combination of aeration, seeding, and quality watering sessions. Aerating a lawn allows both water and air to penetrate the soil, which builds better root systems for your grass and fosters a healthier, more beautiful lawn.

5. Grub Problems

White grubs are C-shaped pests that hatch in late July and early August, and feed off of your lawn’s roots. Areas affected by white grubs will have circular spots of damage and feel spongy if you walk over themit. A great way to find out if you have a grub problem is to cut back a one-square-foot flap of sod and check the soil at a depth of two to four inches. If you see numerous grubs in the area, you may have a problem. The best way to deal with grubs is to lay down grub control products in the summer, before they hatch. If you didn’t and you thinkfeel that you have a grub infestation, contact your local lawn care specialist.

6. Lawn Rust

Lawn rust is a fairly easy lawn disease to identify due to its obvious yellow/brown coloring. The disease is caused by a fungus called Pucciniales, which starts out as small yellow-orange or red-brown colored flecks on grass blades and eventually turns the entire blade a rusty color. Many lawns affected by the disease are nitrogen deficient. The damage can be turned by using a nitrogen rich fertilizer in combination with aerating your yard and watering deeply.

7. Mushrooms

Mushrooms popping up on a lush lawn can ruin the look and appeal of your landscaping. A lot of mushrooms will continue growing, even after you think you’ve removed them. What a lot of people don’t realize is that mushrooms don’t just pop up out of nowhere. They typically spawn from organic matter in your soil during wet conditions, but don’t last too long once the heat hits them. To help keep your lawn mushroom-free, try to remove animal waste, decaying sticks or stumps, and old mulch. Also, try not to overwater your lawn. Too much water can increase the likelihood of organic matter decay. - Redfin

Looking for a new house builder? Please do not hesitate to contact us at Landon Homes, (904)567-3430!


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